Universität Wien

26.06 Teacher Training Programme: Physics

Achtung! Manche Lehrveranstaltungstitel stimmen aus praktischen Gründen nicht mit den jeweiligen Bezeichnungen im Studienplan überein. Die eindeutige Zuordnung ist aber in jedem Fall aus dem angegebenen Studienplancode (Schema LA-Phxxx) ersichtlich.
Die Angabe von ECTS-Punkten legt den vorgesehenen Arbeitsaufwand offen: Jeder ECTS-Punkt bedeutet eine gesamte Arbeitsbelastung von 25-30 Stunden (zu je 60 Minuten) durch alle zum Absolvieren der Lehrveranstaltung erforderlichen Tätigkeiten wie Vorbereitung, Literatursuche, Anwesenheit, Wiederholungen und Prüfungsvorbereitung.

Ersetzung von Lehrveranstaltungen der Fachdidaktik und freie Wahlfächer:

260089 VO (STEOP) STEOP: StEOP 1 Introduction to Physics I - Geom. Optics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics
267403 PUE (PH-NÖSTEOP) STEOP: Exercise course in Introductory Physics I (StEOP 1) - nur für Studierende des UF Physik
260131 VO Chemistry for Physicists - Part B: Organic chemistry - Part B: Organic chemistry
260243 VO Introduction to Physics III - Quanta, atoms and nuclei
260243 VO Introduction to Physics III - Quanta, atoms and nuclei
260011 VO Physics of the earth - Structure and physical properties of the earth
260092 VO [en] Materials Physics I
260096 VO Structure and properties of condensed matter: scattering and microscopy - an alternative to Solid state physics I and Materials physics I
260099 UE Structure and properties of condensed matter: scattering and microscopy - Exercises - an alternative to Solid state physics I and Materials physics I
260188 VO Physics of matter II - Solid state physics
260011 VO Physics of the earth - Structure and physical properties of the earth
260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
260056 EX Pedagogics of excursions - ins Science Center
260074 SE The pedagogical use of computers in physics education - Based on results from physics education research, case studies of the lecturer, didactics of media and psychology of learning examples will be adressed focusing on the potential of digital media. Specifically topics from the field of mechanics, electricity and optics will be covered. The computer will be used as a tool for collecting and evaluating data as well as for modeling and simulations.
260106 EX Pedagogics of excursions - visit of a plant
260056 EX Pedagogics of excursions - ins Science Center
260106 EX Pedagogics of excursions - visit of a plant
260072 VO History of Physics - The developement of physics at the University Vienna included
260074 SE The pedagogical use of computers in physics education - Based on results from physics education research, case studies of the lecturer, didactics of media and psychology of learning examples will be adressed focusing on the potential of digital media. Specifically topics from the field of mechanics, electricity and optics will be covered. The computer will be used as a tool for collecting and evaluating data as well as for modeling and simulations.

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40