Universität Wien

BA 2.3. Advanced Module Theory

170132 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre Theory" - Theory of theatre and the >difficulties< with the actor
170133 PS Introductory Seminar "Film Theory" - Attraction and Narration: Theories on Early Cinema
170135 PS Introductory Seminar Film Theory - (Il)Legibility. On the Poetics of Documentary Film
170136 PS Introductory Seminar "Film Theory" - The Bodies of Cinema
170137 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Media as cultural theory?
170138 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Introduction to Media Theory
170139 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - An Introduction.

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33