Universität Wien

UF MA EN 04 A Core Module 4A (7 ECTS)

123210 VO [en] Literatures in English - Literature for young readers from the 19th to the 21st century
123251 AR [en] Literature Course - 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English & Cultural Studies - (Literary) Activism: The Refugee Tales Project
124268 AR [en] Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - War of the Pods: Politics on YouTube in the US
124269 AR [en] Cultural/Media Studies 1/2 (AR) - Scandal! Dis_Empowering Visibilities of the Scandalous
128110 VO [en] (DIGITAL) Popular and Media Cultures VO / Cultural Studies - MA M01 - Materiality of Air: Representation, Crisis, Health (Lecture Series)

Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.03.2024 17:56