Universität Wien

7.07. Interdisciplinary Master in East European Studies (066/610)

070004 GR Guided Reading - The homefronts of Austria-Hungary in World War I.
070008 GR Guided Reading - Russian History and Global History
070147 GR [en] Guided Reading - Between collective memory and history (History and memory controversies) - Between collective memory and history (History and memory controversies)
070182 GR Guided Reading
070191 GR Guided Reading
070196 GR [en] Guided Reading
070204 GR Guided Reading - Der Krieg als Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln: Ausgewählte Texte zu militärischen Auseinandersetzungen und Friedenverträge in der Geschichte Russlands
070208 GR Guided Reading - Crime and crime discourses in 20th century Central Europe
070210 GR Guided Reading
070331 GR Guided Reading - The West in Russian Eyes - Russland und der Westen aus russischer Sicht (Ideengeschichte 18.-19. JH)
480141 KO Sources to the Medieval History of Eastern Europe - Colloquium on Linguistics
480160 KO History of the Ukrainian Culture in the 19th century - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
070004 GR Guided Reading - The homefronts of Austria-Hungary in World War I.
070008 GR Guided Reading - Russian History and Global History
070147 GR [en] Guided Reading - Between collective memory and history (History and memory controversies) - Between collective memory and history (History and memory controversies)
070182 GR Guided Reading
070191 GR Guided Reading
070196 GR [en] Guided Reading
070204 GR Guided Reading - Der Krieg als Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln: Ausgewählte Texte zu militärischen Auseinandersetzungen und Friedenverträge in der Geschichte Russlands
070208 GR Guided Reading - Crime and crime discourses in 20th century Central Europe
070210 GR Guided Reading
070331 GR Guided Reading - The West in Russian Eyes - Russland und der Westen aus russischer Sicht (Ideengeschichte 18.-19. JH)
480141 KO Sources to the Medieval History of Eastern Europe - Colloquium on Linguistics
480160 KO History of the Ukrainian Culture in the 19th century - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
070164 EX Excursion - Kroatien in der Habsburgermonarchie, 1527-1918: Staatsrechtliche, politische, soziale und kulturhistorische Aspekte
070229 VO Lecture (PM4)
070232 SE Seminar (PM4)
210129 SE M9a: VertiefungsSE East European Studies - Social and cultural conditions of sustainable democracies
210130 SE M9b: SpezialisierungsSE East European Studies - Crisis and Protest: Comparing Political Protest Movements in (South-)Eastern Europe
240527 SE [en] Borders, Frontiers, Borderlands (P3, P4) - Anthropological Perspectives on (Eastern) Europe and the Mediterranean
290021 SE Masterseminar in Human Geography: Regional and Political Geography of South-East- Europe and Ukraine - (auch für Studierende im Lehramt Diplom- und Masterstudium)
480141 KO Sources to the Medieval History of Eastern Europe - Colloquium on Linguistics
480160 KO History of the Ukrainian Culture in the 19th century - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
010020 SE From baptism to holy unction. Orthodox sacrements today. - Seminar: Issues of Orthodox Liturgics ans Sacramental Theology
070164 EX Excursion - Kroatien in der Habsburgermonarchie, 1527-1918: Staatsrechtliche, politische, soziale und kulturhistorische Aspekte
070229 VO Lecture (PM4)
070232 SE Seminar (PM4)
210129 SE M9a: VertiefungsSE East European Studies - Social and cultural conditions of sustainable democracies
210130 SE M9b: SpezialisierungsSE East European Studies - Crisis and Protest: Comparing Political Protest Movements in (South-)Eastern Europe
290021 SE Masterseminar in Human Geography: Regional and Political Geography of South-East- Europe and Ukraine - (auch für Studierende im Lehramt Diplom- und Masterstudium)
070183 SE Master Seminar - Politik-, Sozial-,Religions-, Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschiche des neuzeitlichen Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas
070279 SE Master Seminar
070333 SE Master Seminar

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33