Universität Wien

Master Degree Programme in Cultural and Social Anthropology

Course registration:
If indicated, a course registration via U:SPACE is necessary!

01.02.2017, 00:01 till 27.02.2017, 23:59

For further informations, please, check our webpage: spl-ksa.univie.ac.at

240502 PR [de en] "Welcoming Refugees" (P1)
240504 SE [de en] "Welcoming Refugees" (P1)
240507 VS Practice, materiality, sensibility, affectivity (P2) - new approaches in social and cultural anthropology
240527 SE [en] Borders, Frontiers, Borderlands (P3, P4) - Anthropological Perspectives on (Eastern) Europe and the Mediterranean
240041 VS Anthropology for the practice (3.2.2) - Students as knowledge mediators in the work for and with Asylseekers and refugees
240520 SE Foundations in the history and sociology of science for the production of knowledge (P4) - in transnational and trans-cultural spaces with examples of current project activities in East Africa
240525 SE [en] Human Betterment Utopias (P4) - eugenic ideas and concepts from the political left and the political right
240526 SE [en] The ‘South’? (P4)
240527 SE [en] Borders, Frontiers, Borderlands (P3, P4) - Anthropological Perspectives on (Eastern) Europe and the Mediterranean
240537 SE [en] Anthropological approaches to myth and ritual (P4) - Lessons from 18th-century Kamchatka and new perspectives
240041 VS Anthropology for the practice (3.2.2) - Students as knowledge mediators in the work for and with Asylseekers and refugees
240520 SE Foundations in the history and sociology of science for the production of knowledge (P4) - in transnational and trans-cultural spaces with examples of current project activities in East Africa
240525 SE [en] Human Betterment Utopias (P4) - eugenic ideas and concepts from the political left and the political right
240526 SE [en] The ‘South’? (P4)
240527 SE [en] Borders, Frontiers, Borderlands (P3, P4) - Anthropological Perspectives on (Eastern) Europe and the Mediterranean
240537 SE [en] Anthropological approaches to myth and ritual (P4) - Lessons from 18th-century Kamchatka and new perspectives
240532 UE Anthropology in the archives (P5) - Zur Geschichte ethnographisch-anthropologischer Wissenschaft und Forschung in Wien
240533 AL [en] Anthro Lab (P6)
240534 AL Anthro Lab (P6)

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33