Universität Wien

18.02 Bachelor (BEd) UF Psychologie und Philosophie (060)

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Die Lehrveranstaltungen (LVen) beginnen regelmäßig, d.h. wenn nicht anders angegeben, in der Woche, die nach einem 1. Oktober bzw. 1. März folgt.

Die Hörsäle des Instituts (im NIG 2. und 3. Stock) werden wie folgt bezeichnet:
3. Stock HS: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F
2. Stock HS: 2G, 2H, 2i
Daneben finden viele LVen auch außerhalb des Instituts statt. Bitte beachten Sie die Angaben zu den einzelnen Veranstaltungen.

180110 VO (STEOP) Introduction to Psychology
180009 LPS Introduction to Structural Anthropology - Selected papers
180011 LPS Kant - Critique of Pure Reason - Transcendental Dialectics
180045 VO History of Philosophy 3 - For Teachers
180127 VO History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) - für das LA PP
180021 SE Causality and Freedom - History of a Problem from Kant to the Present
180033 SE Environment, Milieu, Niche - Medias before Medias
180125 SE Limits of knowledge - limits of believe in Kant and Hegel
180037 SE Responsibility in technology, media and science - Challenges to and Transformation of a Traditional Concept
180077 SE Humans on Escape - Homo Sacer: Gorgio Agamben
180122 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis - Contemporary Psychoanalysis
180158 SE [en] On Social Agency
350164 SE (KPH) Ethical Issues in Sports
180096 SE Philosophical Didactics - What is Philosophiedidaktik? - Basic reflections following Kant and Hegel
180098 SE Philosophical Didactics - competence orientation
180100 SE (KPH) Philosophical Didactics - Teaching Analysis- The question of man
180103 SE Psychology Didactics - Teaching of Psychology
180105 SE Psychology Didactics - Theory and Practice of teaching psychology in school
180172 SE Philosophical Didactics - Reading philosophy - Working on and with philosophical texts
180177 SE Psychology Didactics - Theory and practice of teaching and learning
180181 SE (KPH) Psychology Didactics - Teaching basic psychological concepts
180188 SE Psychology Didactics - Theory and Practice of Competency-Based Teaching of Psychology
180025 PS The Aesthetical Appearance of Morality - Über den ästhetischen Aspekt des Sittlichen
350164 SE (KPH) Ethical Issues in Sports
180095 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics - Practicing at school - Supervising course
180180 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics - Practicing at school - Supervising course

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33