Universität Wien
Course Exam

160039 VO Music of Central Asia (2016W)


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

1. Musical geographies of Central Asia
2. Music, religiosity and spirituality in Central Asia
3. Musicians in Central Asia: social roles, status and gender through history
4. Musical instruments in Central Asia: typology and classification
5. Music in the world of Central Asian nomads
6. Oral epic traditions
7. Art singing and poetic improvisation by bards
8. Narrative instrumental performance
9. Music among Central Asian sedentary dwellers
10. Classical vocal and instrumental repertoires
11. Music and culture in Badakhshan
12. Music, socialist culture policies and nation-building in Central Asia
13. Central Asian music in the era of globalization: neo-traditionalism and innovation
14. Contemporary professional music
15. Estrada, pop and world music

Assessment and permitted materials

Written tests

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Final written test on 15 examination topics (see provisional list below): 40-35 points (very good), 34-31 points (good), 30-25 points (satisfying), 24-20 points (passed), 19-0 points (not passed).

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:35