Universität Wien

240539 SE Dynamics of Migration and Mixedness in Spain (P4) (2017S)

Continuous assessment of course work

Attendance is a requirement.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Tuesday 20.06. 11:30 - 14:45 Seminarraum A, NIG 4. Stock
Thursday 22.06. 11:30 - 14:45 Seminarraum A, NIG 4. Stock


Aims, contents and method of the course

In recent years, Spain has experienced a massive increase in international immigration, rapidly becoming a country of immigration and 'super-diversity' at an unprecedented speed worldwide. In this context, evaluating the interaction between the native population and the immigrant population, as well as how these dynamics relate to social integration and cohesion, is key.

First, the course will deal with migration dynamics in Spain, past and present: the causes of the change in Spanish migratory patterns, the current demographic patterns and trends (particularly in Catalonia, the region of Spain that has the most immigrants), and current debates around managing immigration and diversity. Second, the course will focus on one of the key indicators of immigrant integration: 'mixedness,' an encompassing concept that refers to mixed couples, families and individuals, together with the sociocultural processes involved; this reality of mixedness has increased in Spain in parallel with the increase in, and internationalisation of, immigration. Drawing on pioneering mixed-methods research in Spain on the relationship between mixedness and sociocultural integration, conducted by the INMIX research group led by Dr. Rodríguez-García, this course will offer information on the following topics: (1) the theoretical context of 'mixedness,' (2) demographic patterns of intermarriage (i.e., partnering across national, ethno-cultural or religious boundaries) and mixed families, (3) the relationship between mixedness and integration, (4) everyday life and transnational dynamics in mixed families, (5) social attitudes towards mixing, (6) identity processes of the descendants of mixed families, and (7) experiences of discrimination/exclusion. Does intermarriage lead to the greater sociocultural integration and upward social mobility of immigrants and children of mixed unions? Does the formation of mixed/hybrid identities resulting from mixed unions lead to new understandings of national identity? What changes take place in the sociocultural domain of inter-ethnic families, and to what extent are values, norms and practices changed? Do mixed couples or their descendants experience discrimination, and are there differences in this respect according to origin, gender or social class? These are some of the questions that will be explored in this course.

Assessment and permitted materials

Students will have to produce an essay of min. 4,000 words and max. of 5,000 words (10-15 pages, incl. references) on one of the topics dealt with by the teacher in the course.

Method: in-class lecture with PowerPoint presentation (slides will not be distributed) + active debate/discussion with students. Students should come prepared to take notes and participate.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Attendance is a requirement.

Mandatory readings must be read before the start date of the course (before Tuesday, June 20, 2017).

Assessment of the essay will be based on the following criteria:

Originality and suitability to course content


Writing/style (includes explanation of the thesis/overall paper is focused/points are clear and well supported/evidence of critical analysis)

Volume and diversity of sources used

Examination topics

Reading list


For Part 1 (Migration dynamics in Spain, past and present):

Arango, J. (1999) 'Becoming a Country of Immigration at the End of the XXth Century: the Case of Spain.' In R. King, G. Lazaridis & C. Tsardanidis (eds.) Eldorado or Fortress? Migration in Southern Europe. London: Macmillan Press, 253-276.
Arango, J., Finotelli, C. (2009) 'Past and future challenges of a Southern European migration regime: the Spanish case.' IDEA Working Papers, No. 8. http://www.idea6fp.uw.edu.pl/pliki/
Rodríguez-García, D. (2005) 'From Emigration to Immigration: Changing Trends in International Migration in Europe and the Case of Spain.' CERIS-Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement: Toronto, Canada. http://www.academia.edu/

For Part 2 (Contemporary dynamics of mixedness in Spain)

Rodríguez-García, D. (2016) 'Advances in the Study of Mixedness: Evaluating the Relationship Between Mixed Unions and Social Integration.' UAB Divulga Journal: Barcelona Research and Innovation, April 11. http://www.uab.cat/web/news-detail-
Rodríguez-García, D. (2015) 'Introduction: Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-disciplinary Approaches.' The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 662 (1): 8-36. http://www.academia.edu/
Rodríguez-García, D. (2006) 'Mixed Marriages and Transnational Families in the Intercultural Context: A Case Study of African-Spanish Couples in Catalonia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32(3): 403-433. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/


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Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:40