Universität Wien

170521 UE DSCHUNGEL academy (2017S)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 50 participants
Language: German



FR 3.3. 18:00 first appointment, 19:30 performance
DI 14.3. 16:15 lecture, 18:00 working field, 19.30 performance
FR 24.3. 15:00 workshop, 19:30 presentation
MI 29.3. 16:15 working field, 17:30 lecture, 19:30 performance
MI 5.4. 14:30 performance, 16:00 production observation, 17:15 lecture
DI 25.4. 16:15 working field, 17:30 working field, 19:00 presentation
FR 28.4. 20:00 presentation
SA 29.4. 17:00 lecture, 19:00 performance
DO 4.5. 17:00 production observation
SA 13.5. 14:00 lecture, 16:00 working field, 18:00 + 19:30 performances
MI 17.5. 14:30 performance, 15:45 lecture, 17:30 working field
MI 24.5. 17:30 production observation, 19:30 presentation
MI 7.6. between 15:00 and 18:45 presentation
SA 10.6. 17:00 lecture, 19:00 performance
DI 13.6. 16:30 production observation, 17:45 last appointment, 19:00 presentation

Not all of the presentations mentioned here have to be visited, you can make a selection. The productions can be visited on other dates, too. Ask for the detailed program at akademie@dschungelwien.at or have a look at http://dschungelwien.at/pages/dschungel-akademie

The DSCHUNGEL ACADEMY takes place at the DSCHUNGEL WIEN at the MuseumsQuartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien

Attending the Dschungel Academy will cost you EUR 48,- (up to a maximum of EUR 60,-) for visiting 8 theatre performances and 2 presentations (EUR 6,- per ticket, there are presentations with free admission as well).


Aims, contents and method of the course

The Dschungel Academy provides practical orientation for students through contact and discussion with artists, involvement in productions and an insight into the running of a theatre. Included will be visits to rehearsals, lectures, artists talks, presentations and performances.

Students will be given an insight into theatre for young audiences and its various forms, through contact with national and international artists. They will become acquainted with the production process, through introduction to the fields of dramaturgy, production management, public relations, theatre pedagogy, technical direction and safety regulations. The academy will help students to engage critically through viewing performances, participating in discussions with artists, and writing a review. Visiting speakers giving presentations will give students a wider view of the theatre scene.

The 3 pillars of the Dschungel Academy are:
1. Theory: Lectures on various forms of theater and artistic activities (children and young people on stage, dance and performance, writing for young audiences, etc) will form the basis for contextual discussion. Current theatre makers will give participants insight into their practice. These lectures will be complemented with selected performances.
2. Practice: Over the duration of a semester, students will get to observe a theatre production in its continuing development, from meeting and talking with the director/choreographer at the beginning of rehearsals, to visiting rehearsals up until the premiere. In addition, the Dschungel Wien team will present their work, providing a concrete insight into the different working fields involved.
3. Performances: The students will see productions from Dschungel Wien, coproductions and productions from independent companies, as well as guest performances. After many performances, artists will be available for a discussion, and students will be invited to speak about the work they have just seen. 8 performances in total will be visited (4 for children, 4 for youths).

Assessment and permitted materials

The final grade is evaluated from active participation (contribution in talks and discussions) as well as the theatre review.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Attendance is required for a minimum of 5 lectures, 6 practice appointments, 8 performances, 2 presentations and the delivery of a theatre review (min . 2500 characters).

Examination topics

Reading list

Schneider, Wolfgang: Theater für Kinder und Jugendliche. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2005

Israel, Annett / Riemann, Silke (Hrsg.): Das andere Publikum. Berlin: Henschel, 1996

Mennicken, Rainer und Rabl, Stephan (Hrsg.): Theater für junges Publikum. Szene Österreich von Bregenz bis Wien. Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2008

(Anregungen, nicht verpflichtend)

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:36