Universität Wien

050212 PR Multimedia Systems (2017S)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: English



Begin of course with initial instructions: Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 09:45 - 11:15, Hörsaal 2, Währingerstr 29. Participation is mandatory.


Aims, contents and method of the course

The students will independently find and develop a solution for a given problem using technologies of multimedia information systems. Topics will be assigned to the students from the following research fields: multimedia standards, archiving and preservation, multimedia metadata, adaptive media, multichannel delivery, multimedia authoring, digital memory technologies, augmented reality, mobile multimedia metadata management, content-based media analysis, and multimedia environments.

Assessment and permitted materials

This course has an immanent examination character. The performance assessment is determined by:
- on-time submission of documents and code
- personal meetings for discussion of the intermediate results
- final presentation of prototype and achieved results
- quality and effectiveness of proposed solutions

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The grading considers the following criteria: individual research on a selected topic, independent work, deep understanding of employed technologies and relevant literature, acquisition of project management and problem solving skills.

This course has five core milestones. For each of the milestones a submission of a document or source code has to be accomplished before a predefined deadline. Late submissions are not accepted and will receive 0 points.

The following milestones are considered: 1) Requirements and design specification (15 points), 2) Status report (6 points), 3) First prototype (25 points), 4) Final report (15 points), and 5) Final prototype and presentation (39 points). The final grade is the sum of the achieved points for each milestone.

The final grading key is as follows:
89 <= P <= 100
76 <= P < 89
63 <= P < 76
50 <= P < 63
0 <= P < 50

Examination topics

Analysis of related work, design and development of prototypes (individually or in a small project team), documentation, and presentation and discussion of the achieved results.

Reading list

Relevant literature will be provided (if required) depending on the selected topic.

Association in the course directory

Module: MM4

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:30